About Me

This is the part where I try to brag about all the cool stuff I’ve done without sounding like I’m bragging. Here goes…

Though I’ve turned my hand to lots of writing and communication-related jobs, the best way to sum it all up is to say that I’m a writer and digital producer.

Some specific examples?

Well, I turned the Death In Paradise Twitter account into a must-follow for fans of the show, so that interacting with the official account is now all part of the fun of watching a new episode.

I turned myself into a 1D stan when I got commissioned to write a book about Harry Styles, despite never having listened to them before.

And I turned an off-the-cuff remark about a way to approach creativity tools into the Creativity Tarot, in partnership with Leila Johnston.

Basically, what everything I’ve done has in common is enthusiasm. I’m the person who’ll learn everything there is to know about your brand and its fans, I’m the person who’ll go the extra mile to make something better, and I’m the person who’ll be your biggest cheerleader the whole time.

I’m not here for jargon and obfuscation, I’d rather just get on with making things happen.

If you’d like to know more, my LinkedIn has all the info.